
Freitag, 27. April 2007

TRAINING Friday, 27 April

morning: 15' run G1, 30' coordination runs, 15' run G1.
evening: 10' warm up run, 10' coordination runs, 30' technique exercises with ball, 30' shoot exercises right foot (70%), 30' shoot exercises left foot.

once again a good day on the pitch. daily improvements.

Donnerstag, 26. April 2007

TRAINING Thursday, 26 April

10' technical warm up with ball, 5' dribbling exercise (80%), 15' slalom dribblings with ball (60%), 30' dribbling and low shoot exercise right foot, 25' shoot exercises left foot, 10' cool down pass exercises.

i felt a little insecure. the latest trainings took a lot of energy, also due to my cold, that is still with me. therefore i gave my knee one more day of regeneration (look at yesterday's torso training) to be ready for the pitch. and it was. i made a big step forward today, being able to increase intensity with the right foot, especially during the dribbling exercises.

Mittwoch, 25. April 2007

TRAINING Wednesday, 25 April

25' cycling 120W, 5' balance exercises warm up, 3 series: abductors (12 rep.), diagonal crunches cable winch (15 rep., 7 plates), back extensor one-legged (10 rep.); 3 series: chest press 60kg (12 rep.), rowing 25kg (12 rep.), lat 53kg (12 rep.); 2 series: leg press one-legged 50kg (25 rep.); balance and jonglage exercises.

due to my tiredness from the last days, i focused on torso improvement. tomorrow i am planning to train intensively on the pitch which requires my full muscular concentration.

TRAINING Tuesday, 24 April

45' stretching.

first day since i'm back, that my body yelled for a break. the program before, especially monday, was exhausting, so i just organised a massage and did a small stretching session.

Montag, 23. April 2007

TRAINING Monday, 23 April

morning: 15' warm up with balance board (jonglage and diverse variations), 10' warm up strenghtening, 6 series intramuscular leg press: 1 serie 110kg (5 repetitions), 3 series 120kg (3), 2 series 130kg (1 right) and 140kg (1 left); explosive and reactive jumps exercise 6 series, 2 series chest press 70kg (9/6); during the breaks balance board and basic strenghtening.
evening: intervall run (4 series 5' G1/2' G3), 20' cool down run G1

i'm completely done... but feeling good. hard day for my body, seeing what it is able to do. tomorrow rustig aan. promised, roelf.

Sonntag, 22. April 2007

TRAINING Sunday, 22 April

2x30' regeneration run G1, 15' stretching.

Samstag, 21. April 2007

TRAINING Saturday, 21 April

20' warm up coordination runs, 20' slalom stabs with/without ball for- and backwards, 2 series 5 times slalom sprints 100%, 20' pass exercises right foot, 20' strenghtening.

a good feeling in my heart due to yesterday's qualification for the play-off. training went well, i am continously able to increase the intensity in the single exercises. especially the passes improved a lot this week. have a little patience...

Freitag, 20. April 2007

TRAINING Friday, 20 April

5' warm up strenghtening, 4 series 10 times 50kg explosive steppers (one-legged), 4 series 12 times leg press (100/100/110/110kg), 3 series 15 times 50kg launches, 3 series 15 times abductors (8 plates), 3 series 15 times sitting chest press 80kg; in the breaks balance board coordination and jonglage.

holy shit, that was fucking exhausting today. the launches are awfully hard... had to lay down afterwards for a while. doesn't matter, i have time ;) tomorrow morning on the pitch.

Donnerstag, 19. April 2007

TRAINING Thursday, 19 April

20' stabilisation, 15' warming up coordination ladder, 45' dribbling and shooting exercises left foot, 15' passing exercises right foot, 15' strenghtening.

some medicaments helped to control my cold, feel a lot better. today's training was really good. after therapy on midday, i worked on the pitch and did the first severe passing exercises with the right leg. i took a lot of care, and the knee felt quite stable. just not exaggerating now...

Dienstag, 17. April 2007

TRAINING Tuesday, 17 April

morning: warming up; 5 series 3 times 130kg explosive leg press one-legged, 5 series 12 times upsteppers 50kg, 5 series 6 explosive jumps stepper; 5 series 40kg jumps, 5 series 15 times dynamic leg swing 50kg; during the breaks balance board with jonglage and coordination exercises.
evening: 30' pass exercises, 30' shooting exercises (left foot), 15' strenghtening.

good good training day. the knee was really stable during the pass exercises. and an austrian massage finally ;)


THERAPY Monday 21 - Wednesday...
monday: basic investigation, mobilisations. tuesday:.. .
agrar - 25. Mai, 04:22
TRAINING Monday 21 -...
monday morning: 2x30' ergometer (30' 115-120 pulse,...
agrar - 25. Mai, 04:19
TRAINING Saturday, 19...
45' torso strenghtening. as i wrote yesterday, regeneration...
agrar - 20. Mai, 12:32

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