
Dienstag, 8. Mai 2007

TRAINING Monday, 7 May

30' torso strenghtening and stabilisation/coordination exercises (balance board, jonglage, squats on balance ball), 4 series intramusculary training: 140kg left/130kg right leg press one-legged (4 repetitions explosive), one-legged toe jumps (4 rep.), tappings 5 sec.; 10' torso strenghtening.

due to the irritation, the focus of this week is on additional intramuscular improvement. training went well, i really made a step in explosivity during the last weeks. i am currently working axially to give the tendon a rest. looking forward to gebhartl (in ried) and hoser (in innsbruck) tomorrow.

Sonntag, 6. Mai 2007

TRAINING Sunday, 6 May

60' torso strenghtening.

Samstag, 5. Mai 2007

TRAINING Saturday, 5 May

45' stretching.

day off for me and my tendon.

Freitag, 4. Mai 2007

TRAINING Friday, 4 April

5' warm up cycling, 4 series: explosive femoral flexor (laying, 8 plates, 8 rep.), free squats (30kg, 15 rep.), standing adductor (20kg, 20 rep.); 3 series: leg press (80kg, one-legged, 12 rep.), chest press sitting (80kg, 15 rep.), crunches variations.

due to yesterday's step back, i talked a lot today. to hoser, the linz physios and medecines. all think the same: nothing structural, just a small inflammation of the area again. the focus of this weekend is therefore on calming down the whole thing: stretching, treatment with ice and creams. additionally i bought myself traumeel-injections to do it this time by myself and i take parkemed 500 tablets for one week (3 a day) to get the inflammation out. due to my muscular condition, the whole thing should work properly after the decay of the irritation.

TRAINING Thursday, 3 April

30' technical warm up with ball, 5' coordination runs, 60' afwerkingvormen right (60-70%)/left (100%).

step back today. i made a bad move (from the right to the left) and felt the knee again. not much, but i felt it. i immediately went back to the physiotherapeut, who said that the semitendinosus is a little bit angered. basically good news, but unnecessary because of the receptors, which were already really well-working. looking forward now.

Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2007

TRAINING Wednesday, 2 May

30' warm up football tennis, 4 series: 50kg squats both-legged (15 rep.), standing shoulder flyer 10kg (15 rep.); 3 series: bottom straight abs 3kg (15 rep.), free chest press 60kg (15 rep.), lat 53kg (15 rep.); breaks: balancing.

better a small leg break than breaking your leg ;) my muscles are exhausted from the last week, therefore i only "moved" them a little bit. the focus was on torso training and new balance exercises.

Dienstag, 1. Mai 2007

TRAINING Tuesday, 1 May

2x25' G1 run, 15' stretching break.

regeneration day, nothing more to say.

Montag, 30. April 2007

TRAINING Monday, 30 April

morning: 10' warm up, 70' technical exercises with ball, 30' shoot exercises both-legged, 10' cool down.
evening: 5' warm up cycling, 4 series: intramuscular leg press 3 repetitions (left: 140kg, right: 130kg), explosive double high jumps 6 rep., tappings 5 sec.; 2 series: sitting chest press 80kg (15 rep.), diagonal abs, straight back muscle 10 rep.; coordination during the breaks.

what a wonderful day today. feeling like a boy, playing for the first time. my right foot is coming back, step by step, and i am able to do, what i love so much. taking the ball, doing what comes in mind, without being afraid all the time. a beautiful training day with having a lot of fun, that's for sure...

TRAINING Sunday, 29 April

morning: 60' run G1, 30' strenghtening.
evening: 10' warm up run, stair jumps (10 series 6 reactive jumps, two-legged).

two days without internet, sorry for the delay. the focus of this weekend was on endurance, one fast G2 and one basic G1. sunday evening i finally tickled my fast muscle fibres a little bit, stair jumps to not get slow after the runs.

TRAINING Saturday, 28 April

45' run G2.


THERAPY Monday 21 - Wednesday...
monday: basic investigation, mobilisations. tuesday:.. .
agrar - 25. Mai, 04:22
TRAINING Monday 21 -...
monday morning: 2x30' ergometer (30' 115-120 pulse,...
agrar - 25. Mai, 04:19
TRAINING Saturday, 19...
45' torso strenghtening. as i wrote yesterday, regeneration...
agrar - 20. Mai, 12:32

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