Sonntag, 15. April 2007

TRAINING Sunday, 15 April

20' warm up run G1, 20' coordination runs, 5x7m sprints, 4 jump series (one-legged, two-legged), 20' cool down run G1.

my body is further on enervated. coughing like a smoker... anyway, training is ok. i am looking forward to the beginning therapies. tuesday i have an appointment with a physio in wels to show me the kinesio-tape technique.
Roelf (Gast) - 16. Apr, 20:13

goed nieuws

Dag Wolfgang, dat is goed nieuws!!!! Nu kun je weer verder. Heb het idee dat je trainingen gevarieerd zijn en inhoudelijk OK. Denk er wel om dat je sprong vormen niet meer dan 5 sprongen zijn en 3-5 variaties. Is erg vermoeiend maar loont wel. Met welke groep train je dan? groet, Roelf

agrar - 17. Apr, 10:11


sprong vormen zijn ok, ik maak niet meer. today i have an individual one hour training (and half an hour therapy) to get to know the new exercises. next time i will start to train with more people in the gym, but without any interferences. it's just cheaper as an individual session. in the evening i will do a second training on the pitch. tell you in the evening. tot zo, wolfi


THERAPY Monday 21 - Wednesday...
monday: basic investigation, mobilisations. tuesday:.. .
agrar - 25. Mai, 04:22
TRAINING Monday 21 -...
monday morning: 2x30' ergometer (30' 115-120 pulse,...
agrar - 25. Mai, 04:19
TRAINING Saturday, 19...
45' torso strenghtening. as i wrote yesterday, regeneration...
agrar - 20. Mai, 12:32

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