Sonntag, 15. April 2007


sorry for writing late, i had no internet during these days. good news, however. the knee pictures are ok. no ligament rupture, no tendon nor meniscus problems, nothing wrong with the refixation. dr. hoser explained the difficulty during the pass training like this: "the muscle probably missed to stabilize the ligament for a moment, so it had too much pressure. basically no problem, but this ligament is 'on the way back' and a little bit sensitive concerning that."

finally we defined the training for the next two weeks.
- therapy: 3 times a week laser and ultrasonic
- training: continuously increasing ball training; 3 times a week leg strength and stabilisation training (almost the same like back home, just little adaptations like reactive jumps), individually and in form of group training; running by myself.
re-meeting with dr. hoser at the 2 or 9 may.
agrar - 15. Apr, 18:57

free saturday

i need a day off.

VHL Management (Gast) - 15. Apr, 19:00

Sounds good

Heej Wolfi, dit begint er op te lijken. VHL is erg blij dat het goed gaat en wenst je veel succes met de training. Take care.


agrar - 15. Apr, 22:02

dank je

bonga. good to hear from the VHL management.


THERAPY Monday 21 - Wednesday...
monday: basic investigation, mobilisations. tuesday:.. .
agrar - 25. Mai, 04:22
TRAINING Monday 21 -...
monday morning: 2x30' ergometer (30' 115-120 pulse,...
agrar - 25. Mai, 04:19
TRAINING Saturday, 19...
45' torso strenghtening. as i wrote yesterday, regeneration...
agrar - 20. Mai, 12:32

Behind The Goal
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