Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2007

TRAINING Thursday, 10 May

morning: intervall run (10'G1, 3' G3, 10' G1, 3' G3, 10' G1)
evening: 10' basic strenghtening warm up, 3 series: shooting stabilisation rope (8 plates, 15 rep.), squads 70kg both-legged multi-press (12 rep.), adductor rope (6 plates, 20 rep.); 3 series: free chest press 65kg (12 rep.), free flying back (10 kg each, 15 rep.), abs variations; 15' diverse coordination exercises; 20' stretching.

THERAPY Thursday, 10 May

25' functional massage and movement, 10' laser.

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2007

TRAINING Wednesday, 9 May

2x30' G1 run, in the break 10' laser therapy.

results from innsbruck (dr. hoser) and ried (gebhartl) are going to follow. i am tired, whole day driving and a night run. take some sleep.


keep your head up high, boys! it's not called best of three for nothing ;)

TRAINING Tuesday, 8 May

15' warm up coordination runs, 20' slalom exercises with ball, 20' technical exercises with ball, jump series stabilisation (5x5: diagonal, straight forward, sidejumps; one- and both-legged variations), 5x5m back and forth sprints, 20' torso strenghtening.

Dienstag, 8. Mai 2007

TRAINING Monday, 7 May

30' torso strenghtening and stabilisation/coordination exercises (balance board, jonglage, squats on balance ball), 4 series intramusculary training: 140kg left/130kg right leg press one-legged (4 repetitions explosive), one-legged toe jumps (4 rep.), tappings 5 sec.; 10' torso strenghtening.

due to the irritation, the focus of this week is on additional intramuscular improvement. training went well, i really made a step in explosivity during the last weeks. i am currently working axially to give the tendon a rest. looking forward to gebhartl (in ried) and hoser (in innsbruck) tomorrow.

THERAPY Monday, 7 May

1: 15' laser, 20' electricity.
2: 90' kinesiologic meeting.

on wednesday i will go to ried and innsbruck. in the morning i am going to meet peter gebhartl, the physiotherapeut of sv ried. i just want to show him the knee, he showed up some new aspects during a knee injury of a fellow player. in the afternoon i have an appointment with dr. hoser in innsbruck. i phoned with him yesterday and he wants to look at me once more.

the kinesiologic meeting was in salzburg today, supporting the thing between my ears. did well.

Sonntag, 6. Mai 2007

TRAINING Sunday, 6 May

60' torso strenghtening.

Samstag, 5. Mai 2007

TRAINING Saturday, 5 May

45' stretching.

day off for me and my tendon.

Freitag, 4. Mai 2007


my knee made dozens of small steps forward during these weeks. yesterday it made a step back, without its fault. it was my responsibility and i'm sorry. i went back home and felt angry, not for the first time, but for the last. defeating the dragons in my knee is a fight, nothing else. a fight against the pain, a fight against time and a fight with and against my passion for this sport in the same moment. my rage is gone today, because i know myself. yesterday can't beat today and especially not tomorrow. and i will be where the pictures in my head already are.

i collected a lot of material during my training time in austria. there is going to be a film about these steps forward and back and forward. watch the defeating dragons trailer. and kneever give up.

THERAPY, Friday 4 April

20' electricity, 25' functional massage, 5' laser.

TRAINING Friday, 4 April

5' warm up cycling, 4 series: explosive femoral flexor (laying, 8 plates, 8 rep.), free squats (30kg, 15 rep.), standing adductor (20kg, 20 rep.); 3 series: leg press (80kg, one-legged, 12 rep.), chest press sitting (80kg, 15 rep.), crunches variations.

due to yesterday's step back, i talked a lot today. to hoser, the linz physios and medecines. all think the same: nothing structural, just a small inflammation of the area again. the focus of this weekend is therefore on calming down the whole thing: stretching, treatment with ice and creams. additionally i bought myself traumeel-injections to do it this time by myself and i take parkemed 500 tablets for one week (3 a day) to get the inflammation out. due to my muscular condition, the whole thing should work properly after the decay of the irritation.

TRAINING Thursday, 3 April

30' technical warm up with ball, 5' coordination runs, 60' afwerkingvormen right (60-70%)/left (100%).

step back today. i made a bad move (from the right to the left) and felt the knee again. not much, but i felt it. i immediately went back to the physiotherapeut, who said that the semitendinosus is a little bit angered. basically good news, but unnecessary because of the receptors, which were already really well-working. looking forward now.

THERAPY Thursday, 3 April

20' frictions semitend., 5' laser, 20' electricity, 10' cooling with ice.

Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2007

TRAINING Wednesday, 2 May

30' warm up football tennis, 4 series: 50kg squats both-legged (15 rep.), standing shoulder flyer 10kg (15 rep.); 3 series: bottom straight abs 3kg (15 rep.), free chest press 60kg (15 rep.), lat 53kg (15 rep.); breaks: balancing.

better a small leg break than breaking your leg ;) my muscles are exhausted from the last week, therefore i only "moved" them a little bit. the focus was on torso training and new balance exercises.

THERAPY Wednesday, 2 May

25' frictions and functional massage, 5' laser.


THERAPY Monday 21 - Wednesday...
monday: basic investigation, mobilisations. tuesday:.. .
agrar - 25. Mai, 04:22
TRAINING Monday 21 -...
monday morning: 2x30' ergometer (30' 115-120 pulse,...
agrar - 25. Mai, 04:19
TRAINING Saturday, 19...
45' torso strenghtening. as i wrote yesterday, regeneration...
agrar - 20. Mai, 12:32

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