TRAINING Monday, 23 April
morning: 15' warm up with balance board (jonglage and diverse variations), 10' warm up strenghtening, 6 series intramuscular leg press: 1 serie 110kg (5 repetitions), 3 series 120kg (3), 2 series 130kg (1 right) and 140kg (1 left); explosive and reactive jumps exercise 6 series, 2 series chest press 70kg (9/6); during the breaks balance board and basic strenghtening.
evening: intervall run (4 series 5' G1/2' G3), 20' cool down run G1
i'm completely done... but feeling good. hard day for my body, seeing what it is able to do. tomorrow rustig aan. promised, roelf.
evening: intervall run (4 series 5' G1/2' G3), 20' cool down run G1
i'm completely done... but feeling good. hard day for my body, seeing what it is able to do. tomorrow rustig aan. promised, roelf.
agrar - 23. Apr, 11:19