Dienstag, 17. April 2007

TRAINING Tuesday, 17 April

morning: warming up; 5 series 3 times 130kg explosive leg press one-legged, 5 series 12 times upsteppers 50kg, 5 series 6 explosive jumps stepper; 5 series 40kg jumps, 5 series 15 times dynamic leg swing 50kg; during the breaks balance board with jonglage and coordination exercises.
evening: 30' pass exercises, 30' shooting exercises (left foot), 15' strenghtening.

good good training day. the knee was really stable during the pass exercises. and an austrian massage finally ;)

THERAPY Tuesday, 17 April

20' frictions tendon, 10' laser, flector ep pain bandage.

the physio assumes the last problem to be in the area of the tendon, which she will discuss with dr. hoser.

TRAINING Monday, 16 April

10' warm up run G1, 50' ball variations (slalom, passes, multiple technique exercises) with 70-90%, 30' strenghtening, 20' leg stabilisation theraband.

feeling like alberto tomba in his best slalom days... training without tape for the first time again. seriously, went well. looking forward to tomorrow's meeting with the sporttherapie.


THERAPY Monday 21 - Wednesday...
monday: basic investigation, mobilisations. tuesday:.. .
agrar - 25. Mai, 04:22
TRAINING Monday 21 -...
monday morning: 2x30' ergometer (30' 115-120 pulse,...
agrar - 25. Mai, 04:19
TRAINING Saturday, 19...
45' torso strenghtening. as i wrote yesterday, regeneration...
agrar - 20. Mai, 12:32

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