looking at a picture, taken twenty years ago. seeing a little boy, already packed with pride, focus and arrogancy, answering questions about his later plans by saying "becoming a professional football player", doubting not a single second. spending hours and hours on bad fields and greens, forcing his dad to play with him every evening, losing a lot of friends, breaking with the officials due to their bad training, working on his own, meeting the right person at the right time. and suddenly reaching his aims within five minutes of playing premier league football. much too fast for his dominant mind, much too fast for succeeding continously. when he dared the step back after just one and a half years of professionality, dozens of people came to ask him, if he is crazy. people, that didn't know him then, and don't know him now.
everything i did in my career was right. giving myself time to grow, even if i wasn't aware of the exact direction. letting my heart finally beat my head, after years of mental imprisonment. refinding my passion. if i have learned somewhat precious in the last year, it is the need to invest in the things you love. even if there are times, when nothing's coming back to you. when amortisation is far far away. when you are about to lose.
last day in groningen, going back to austria in the evening. therapizing my knee for one month, training the shit out of me, to be ready at the second of july. because the boy in the picture is the man now.

last day in groningen, going back to austria in the evening. therapizing my knee for one month, training the shit out of me, to be ready at the second of july. because the boy in the picture is the man now.
agrar - 6. Apr, 11:37